Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Once a Fat Guy, ...

You see, there are two ways to finish the phrase "once a fat guy"

1) now a skinny guy
2) always a fat guy

I'm 38, 5'11" and weigh about 200 lbs. In a nation of fat people, I am in the top third for weight given my age and height. My goal is to reduce my weight to below 170 lbs. If I weighed 170 lbs, I would have a BMI (body mass index) of below 25 which would place my weight in the normal/healthy category for a 38 year old male. Average is about 180 since we are a nation of porkers.

This leaves a few questions.

1) I'm sick of feeling crappy. Try wearing a 30 lbs napsack backwards all day, and you'll get the idea.

2) I don't want to die. I have a few things I'd like to do yet, and my weight increases my risk of heart attack, diabetes, being harvested for meat by aliens, etc. dramatically.

3) I'd kind of like to feel better about how I look. Though married and bekidded, I'd like to still appear moderately attractive to the opposite sex (or, in fact, to anything besides a hungry carnivore).

4) It's good to work towards things.

1) No diets. I can't argue that they work in the short term. I've seen a lot of people lose a lot of weight with the South Beach Diet. I've also seen most of them gain it back.

2) Exercise. My plan is to exercise for at least one hour every day for 120 days (resting one day every 6). This will be done according to the program recommended by John L. Parker in his book Heart Monitor Training for the Compleat Idiot. Exercise, of course, also has a lot of ancillary health benefits (not to mention making it more likely that you can outrun the aliens).

3) No beer. No caffeine. No refined sugar. Yes, this does contradict 2 above, but it is more a motivational thing. Caffeine and alcohol also throw the system out of whack, and I'd like to get this taken care of before returning to my vices.

1) Not now for God's sake. This sounds really hard!

2) Mid-March 2005. I'm currently involved in another quest for chess improvement. It's important to finish that up, and I won't succeed at both at the same time.

See you soon.

Weight: 200


Blogger David Glickman said...


Best of luck on this quest as well. I actually chose the diet, no exercise approach for myself. From February through November 2003 I lost 50 lbs on the Atkins diet (210-->160). So far I have kept it all off (+/- 2-3 lbs)for over a year. From what I understand, many people don't keep it off. Of course, I've changed my eating habits for good. Still restricting myself to about 20-30 carbs per day. When they say "Atkins for Life" they mean it.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Don Q. said...


You're amazing. Do you have a magic elf who runs google searches for you every 10 seconds?

Congrats on your success with the Atkins. That is quite impressive.

Love your blog by the by. I read it every day.

4:44 AM  

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